Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp Seed Oil

Botanical Name    Cannabis sativa


Hemp is grown in temperate zones and is cultivated annually and it grows up to height of 5 mt,  and it grows best in sandy loam soil with good drainage. Hemp is grown for fiber or its seeds, crops cultivated for fiber are densely sowed and hemp seed for oil are planted further apart. Leaves are compound & flowers are small & greenish yellow. Continue reading

Hazel Nut Oil

Hazel Nut Oil


Hazelnut tree is a deciduous shrub .Hazel nut is also called as cobnut or filbert nut. It is spherical to oval, with an outer husk surrounding smooth. Hazel nuts are used in confectionary, nutella etc. Hazelnut Carrier Oil is used as cooking oil. Continue reading

Green Tea Seed Oil

Green Tea Seed Oil


It is also called as camellia seed oil and is obtained from green tea from which tea we drink is obtained. It is used as ingredient in cosmetic industry for both skin and hair care.


Green tea seed oil is obtained by process of cold pressing of its seed. Continue reading

Evening Primerose Oil

Evening Primerose Oil

Evening Primrose is one of the genera Oenothera biennis that generally found in Central, North, and Eastern America. This wildflower, usually, opens in the evening, because of which it is also known as Evening primrose. It is one of the most distinctive characteristics plants which has four branches in the X shape. Continue reading

Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseed Oil

Botanical Name:  Linus usitatissimum


Flaxseed oil is extracted by cold pressed method, The unprocessed Raw Flaxseed oil is known as Linseed Oil. It is Native to Mediterranean, India & Middle East. Flaxseed is known as food and fiber crop.   Flaxseed oil is widely used in cosmetics products, bath products and cleansing products. A good skin conditioning agent, ideal for personal care products. Flaxseed oil consists of alpha-linolenic acid, linoleic acid, oleic acid. Continue reading

Custard Apple Seed Oil

Custard Apple Seed Oil

Botanical Name:  Annona squamosa.


Custard Apple Seed Oil is obtained from the seeds of the fruit (Annona squamosa). Custard apple seed is also known as sitaphal seed oil.  It is a medium size tree. The color of the fruit is typically pale green. It has a fragrant and creamy white flesh taste like custard. It is one of the finest fruit introduce in India. It is cultivated in Bihar, Karnataka, Orissa and Tamilnadu. Continue reading

Cotton Seed Oil

Cotton Seed Oil


It is obtained from seeds of cotton plant; it is used for salad dressing, mayonnaise and salad oil. It has nut like flavour. It is used for cooking and is very beneficial for health because of presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Continue reading

Corn oil


Corn also known as Maize is planted in spring, it grows up to 2.5m. It has shallow roots ,it is intolerant of nutrient deficient soils& proves to be uprooted by severe winds.


Corn oil is  obtained by cold pressing of its germs & corn refine oil is obtained steam distillation. Continue reading