Geranium Oil China

Geranium Oil China

Botanical name:   Pelargonium Graveolens


Geranium oil china is obtained from the flower of it is also known as pelargonium graveolens, biennial or perennial plant, it has crevice leaves, and flowers have five petals & are white, purple, blue and pink color. Geraniums will grow in any mud as long it is sopping. Owing to its severe properties it induces contractions in various parts of human body. It keeps wounds secure from rising infections. The fruit capsule consists of five cells, each containing one kernel. It increases urination thus removing toxins from our body. Geranium oil china is circulatory oil it exits the body during perspiration thus acting as great deodorant. Geranium is also called as poor man’s Rose.



Geranium Oil china is obtained from geranium flowering tops by the procedure of steam distillation



It is a Clear to Pale Yellow liquid Characteristic aroma of mint and rose.



It blends well with angelica, bergamot, basil, carrot seed, citronella, lavender, grape fruit & rosemary oil.



•  It tightens facial skin, thus delaying premature ageing.

•  It can be added to baked goods, alcoholic & non-alcoholic beverages.

•  It is used as massage oil.

•  It reduces pain & inflammation.

•  It also acts as a natural insect repellant.

•  It prevents muscles & skin from sagging.

•  It speeds up healing process of wounds, cuts and also treats acne, dermatitis & other skin diseases.

•  It helps to diminish scars & other spots.

•  It increases blood circulation.

•  It promotes uniform distribution of melanin and also promotes cell health.

•  It tones up overall health and help in getting rid of intestinal worms.

•  It has positive effect on eczema. Neuralgia burns post menopause syndrome.

•  It can treat acne, dermatitis & other skin diseases.

•  It can it serves as antidepressant.

•  It is used as massage oil,It is also helps to increases blood circulation.



It should not be used by pregnant women and those who are breast feeding.


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oilsCarrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•  Geranium Oil China Suppliers

•  Geranium Oil China Manufacturers

•  Geranium Oil China Wholesaler

•  Geranium Oil China Exporters

•  100% Pure Geranium Oil China

Galangal Oil

Galangal Oil


Botanical Name:  AlpinaOfficinalis.


Galangal oil also known as false ginger ,It has therapeutic benefit as it is used to kill cancer cells and boost the cancer-fighting capacity of healthy cells. This essential oil is used as flavouring agent for food, particularly in spice and meat products and liquors. It is added into skin care products such as soaps and lotions due to its antibacterial and anti-fungal activity. Occasionally used in perfumery work.



Galangal Oil is extracted from the crushed roots by the method of steam distillation.



It blends well with Black Pepper, Cajaput, Cardamom, Cedarwood, Clove and Chamomile Oil.



Itis a pale yellow to Light brown liquid and has camphoraceous aroma.



•   Galangal oil has its medicinal uses.

•   Galangal has been known to improve blood circulation, especially in the hands and feet, thereby improving oxygen supply and nutrient supply to these parts.

•   It can also aid respiratory problems like congestion and helps regulate breathing rate.

•   It is not much used in aromatherapy and its aromatherapy properties are not much reported.

•   It is widely used as a medicine in indigenous system of treatment.

•   It is also helpful in curing cancer.


Safety & Precaution:

•   Galangal can have side-effects such as heartburn and bloody stool.

•   Pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult their doctors before taking Galangal essential oil.


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oilsCarrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•   Galangal Oil Suppliers

•   Galangal Oil Manufacturers

•   Galangal Oil Wholesaler

•   Galangal Oil Exporters

•   100% Pure Galangal Oil


Grape Fruit Oil

Grape Fruit Oil


Grape Fruit Oil

Grapefruit oil is a one of the most effective antioxidant available in the market. The oil is derived by the process known as steam distillation; it could be also used as an antibiotic and to cure health conditions. Grapefruit oil is rich source of vitamins C and E and contains a lot of bioflavonoid as well.  



•  Grapefruit essential oil has refreshing citric aroma. 

•  Main constituents of the oil are Alpha-Pinene, Sabinene, Myrcene, D- Limonene etc



•  Grapefruit oil is used in aromatherapy therapy

•  Grapefruit oil is also known as a flavoring agent in many dishes

•  People who want to lose weight then Grapefruit is magic ingredient for you.

•  The oil helps boost moral and increasing energy levels  

•  It is also used to cure problems like  Kidney and Liver  Support


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•  Grape Fruit Oil Manufacturers 

•  Grape Fruit Oil Suppliers

•  Grape Fruit Oil Exporters

•  Grape Fruit Oil Wholesaler

•  Organic essential oil wholesale India

•  Essential oil manufacturers in New Delhi

•  100% Pure Grape Fruit Oil

Juniper Berry Oil

Juniper Berry Oil

Botanical name: JuniperusCommunis.


Juniper Berry oil is obtained from the fruit (Berry) of Juniper plant. The shrub is belongs to the family of pine, It is basically used in aromatherapy & perfumery. Branch & berries of the juniper have been used for medicinal & religious purposesand is normal antibacterial. It is also used in massage oil, liniments, and baths because of its skill to take care of ache and swelling, rheumatism and varicose veins by warming and soothing the muscles.



Juniper Berry Oil is extracted from the Berries & Needles by the method of Steam Distillation.



It is a Colourless Liquid with a crisp sweet earthy & almost a hidden fruity aroma.



Juniper BerryOil blends well with Bergamot, cedarwood, Grape fruit , lime lemograss&vetiver.



•   It promotes blood circulation and it also relieves from swelling.

•   It is very good for those suffering from chronic gas trouble and it also promotes urination.

•   It helps in cleaning the skin pores & openings of sweat & sebum glands.

•   It increases activity of brain & nervous system.

•   It is a great tonic and also acts as blood purifier.

•   It helps to cure kidney stones, inflammation.

•   It is used for treating rheumatism, arthritis & gout,dermatitis & eczemas.



•   It should not be used by pregnant women and those who are breast feeding.

•   Juniper berry might irritate the stomach and intestines, making disorders in these organs worse.

•   It is may be have an effect on levels of blood sugar, blood sugar control more difficult during and after surgery.

•   Stop using juniper at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oilsCarrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•   Juniper Berry Oil Suppliers

•   Juniper Berry Oil Manufacturers

•   Juniper Berry Oil Wholesaler

•   Juniper Berry Oil Exporters

•   100% Pure Juniper Berry Oil


Jasmine Absolute

Jasmine Absolute


Jasmines are either deciduous or evergreen and its scientific name is Jasminum officianale, the fruits of jasmines are berries that turn black when ripe. The plants may be vine or bushes.



Jasmine oil is obtained by method of absolute abstraction of flowers.



It has a sweet aroma, Very flowery & stronger than flowering plant itself.



Main chemical components, eugenol, nerol, ceosol, benzoic acid, benzaldehyde, y-terpineol, nerolidol, isohytol, phytol , are cis-jasmone, linalool, benzyl alcohol, indole, benzyl benzoate, benzyl acetate, geraniol, methyl anthranilate and trace amounts of p. cresol, farnesol, cis-3-hexenyl benzoate



It blends well with bergamot, sandalwood, rose & other citrus oils, like orange, grapefruits.



•  It has been used as a perfume.

•  It has positive & balancing effect on hormonal system.

•  It has antiseptic & disinfectant properties, when inhaled it reduces infections in respiratory system & can relieve colds & coughs.

•  Due to its cicatrisant properties, it fades scar marks & spots.

•  It reduces signs of insomnia and regulates period cycles & makes the periods clear & less painful and eases labor pain & increases milk secretion from breast.

•  It is used for treatment of eczema & dermatitis.

•  It is good for treating & relaxing spasms.

•  It is good for uterine health & protects the uterus from tumors.

•  It can be used to free people from narcotic & other addictions.


Safety & Precaution:-

It should be avoided by pregnant women, before actual birthing process because it is sedating.


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oilsCarrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•  Jasmine Absolute Suppliers

•  Jasmine Absolute Manufacturers

•  Jasmine Absolute Wholesaler

•  Jasmine Absolute Exporters

•  100% Pure Jasmine Absolute


Fenugreek Oil

Fenugreek Oil


Fenugreek is obtained from the seeds it is an herb which is used in making food. It is mostly found is Southern Europe and Western Asia. The seeds of Fenugreek has dried and small round and yellow in color. The oil is thick in texture and yellowish in color. Fenugreek oil is very useful for diabetes patient.



Fenugreek oil is obtained from the seeds of fenugreek herb by the method of steam distillation steam distillation.



Fenugreek oil has a bitter aroma with yellowish color.



Fenugreek oil blends well with most of oils like olive oil, rosemary oil, ylang ylang oil, lemon oil, geranium oil, cypress oil etc.



Fenugreek oil contains a variety of nutrients like omega –cardinene, gamma-eudesmol and alpha-bisabolol, alpha- cadinol.                                                                                                                                              


•  It is mostly used in massage oil it contain volatile quality which is use for healing action actions and remove body pain.

•  Fenugreek oil is very useful to reduce swelling, itchiness, inflammation and redness of face acne.

•  It has anti oxidant qualities which stop skin complaint from oxidizing and also blackheads development by preventing cells from free deep-seated scratch.

•  Fenugreek oil helpful for restore ordinary kidney health. It exerts a shielding control on the kidneys and the pancreas.

•  Fenugreek oil has some anticarcinogenic property which is very good for cancer patient.

•  Fenugreek oil is also direct taking in mouth for weight loss.


Safety and Precaution

Use carefully, Fenugreek oil can affect blood sugar levels in people with diabetes as it is hypoglycemic.

Avoid using fenugreek oil as it can cause early contraction and also may cause unusual body odor.


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oilsCarrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•  Fenugreek Oil Suppliers

•  Fenugreek Oil Manufacturers

•  Fenugreek Oil Wholesaler

•  Fenugreek Oil Exporters

•  100% Pure Fenugreek Oil


Orange Oil Bitter

Orange Oil Bitter


Its botanical name is citrus sinensis and is an evergreen tree, and is larger than sweet orange oil and less hardy with fewer or no spines. The fruit itself has a bitter pulp with no sweet membrane.



It is obtained by method of cold pressing where orange peel is cold pressed.



It smells citrusy and sweet and its colour ranges from yellow orange to yellow.



The main chemical components of orange oil are a-pinene, sabinene, myrcene, limonene, linalool, citronellal, neral and geranial



It blends well with Cinnamon, Clove, ginger, frankincense, Black pepper and other oils.



•  It is radiant oil and is also relaxing.

•  It can be used effectively for colds,

•  It is good for relieving in constipation.

•  It is used as ingredient in anti ageing creams.

•  It is used to get relieve in dull skin, flatulence, the flu, gums, slow digestion and stress.

•  It is a good diuretic and is most useful in balancing water retention and obesity.

•  Owing to its stimulant properties it helps in detoxification of the body.

•  It can provide relief in constipation, dyspepsia and as a general tonic.

•  It relieves in nervous tension and stress.

•  Orange oil can help in relieving in colds and flu, nervous tension and stress and helps to create a feeling of happiness and warmth, while helping children fall asleep at night.

•  It is used in cream and lotion.


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oilsCarrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•  Orange Oil Bitter Suppliers

•  Orange Oil Bitter Manufacturers

•  Orange Oil Bitter Wholesaler

•  Orange Oil Bitter Exporters

•  Pure Orange Oil Bitter




Lavender Oil

Lavender Oil

Product specification-

Botanical Name- Lavandula officinalis

Plant part used :- Flower

Origin – Northern Spain

Colour – Clear Pale yellow color Liquid

Lavender oil (Lavandula Angustifolia) is a multi-purpose oil enriched with linalool and linalyl acetate. Scientifically known as a Lavandula officinal  belongs to family of Lamiaceae. Basically flower is native of  western Mediterranean and other mountains in northern Spain. The plant is herbaceous & perennial .Color of the flower is blue, yellow or violet. The magical part of the plant is their flowers which attracts others by its fragrance and have been used for making potpourri for centuries. Lavender oil (Lavandula Angustifolia)used in making perfume, aromatherapy oil, infusion, oil,  body lotion as well as soap with sweetie smell. Lavender oil suppliers supply this oil which has fragrance & provides calm, relaxation and balances the Physical & Emotional attribues of a person..

“Lavender oil” is extracted by the process known as steam distillation of fresh and dried flowers. Lavender oil is clear pale yellow in color.

Chemical composition:-

The oil composed with 150 active constituents. Rich in esters and other chief constituents which are linalyl  acetate, terpene alcohol, linalool and terpinen -4-ol and camphor, cis-ocimene, 8-cineole,lavandulyl acetate limonene and geraniol.


  1.  Lavender oil can be used as insects repellent and irritation due to bite of bug.
  2.  It can be used to get relives from pain.
  3.  Patient who want to enhance the sleeping can used the oil.
  4.  Lavender oil can be used for the treatment of migraines, emotional stress depression and nervous tension.
  5.  Lavender oil reduced the red raised sores on face as well on body which is produced by bacterial infection.
  6.  The oil can be used for treatment of acne, wrinkles and dark circle under the eye.
  7.  Lavender oil reduced the pain of tense muscles and muscular aches.
  8.  Lavender oil help to increases the flow of urine.
  9.  Lavender oil is used for the treatment of hair fall.
  10. It has anticancer activity.
  11. Treatment of hypertension can be done by the help of Lavender oil as it reduces the blood pressure.
  12. It is stimulate the production of digestive enzyme and gives relives in diarrhea, vomiting, colic and stomach.
  13. Lavender oil helps to build the immune system of the body.
  14. It is used for cure skin disorder.
  15. Because of its nice and fruity smell the Lavender oil is used soaps and perfumes.

Safety and precaution:-

  1.    Do not use the Lavender oil during pregnancy.
  2.    If digested in high quantity than it may cause Vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty in breath, blurred vision, reddishness in eye. In any such case immediately call or visit the doctor.
  3.    Do not use excess of pure Lavender oil.


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

  1.    Lavender Oil Suppliers
  2.    Lavender Oil Wholesaler
  3.    Lavender Oil Manufacturers
  4.    Organic Lavender Oil
  5.    Lavender Oil Exporters
  6.    Pure Lavender Oil
  7.    Lavender Essential Oil
  8.    Lavandula Angustifolia
Cassia Oil

Cassia Oil



Cassia is a spice obtained from the inner bark tree known as Cinnamomum. Cassia is cultivated by growing the tree for two years, and then cutting stems at ground level, next year about a dozen new shoots will form from the roots, replacing those that were cut. The important thing about the plant is the processed of extracting oil must be immediately started after harvesting. Flavor of cinnamon oil comes because of an aromatic essential oil. Cassia is popular flavoring agent in alcoholic beverages.



Pure Cassia oil is prepared by pounding the bark & quickly distilling the whole.



Cassia oil can nicely blend with an essential oil such as rosemary oil, lemon oil geranium & cardamom etc.



•  Cassia Oil is most popular herb used for flavoring.

•  Cassia Oil has the ability to cure a pimple as it helps to purify the blood.

•  It helps in removing headaches that are caused by cold.

•  Daily intake of Cassia Oil helps to control blood sugar level.

•  Cassia Oil helps for the treatment of internal as well as external infection.

•  Daily intake of Cassia oil helps to reduce risk of colon cancer.

•  It is used in chewing gum as it is a good mouth freshener.

•  It has very effective while application of Aromatherapy therapy.

•  It is a great mosquito repellant.



Best use of Cassia oil is for physical use only

It should be diluted before applying topically and one should do a patch test before applying.


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oilsCarrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•  Cassia Oil Suppliers

•  Cassia Oil Manufacturers

•  Cassia Oil Wholesaler

•  Cassia Oil Exporters

•  100% Pure Cassia Oil