Lavandin Oil

Lavandin Oil

Product specification

Botanical Name- Lavandula officinalis

Plant part used :- Flower

Origin – Northern Spain

Colour – Clear Pale yellow color Liquid


Lavandin oil is a multi-purpose oil enriched with linalool and linalyl acetate. Scientifically known as a Lavandula officinal  belongs to family of Lamiaceae. Basically flower is native of  western Mediterranean and other mountains in northern Spain. The plant is herbaceous & perennial .Color of the flower is blue, yellow or violet. The magical part of the plant is their flowers which attracts others by its fragrance and have been used for making potpourri for centuries. Lavandinoil used in making perfume, aromatherapy oil, infusion, oil,  body lotion as well as soap with sweetie smell.

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Lemon Balm Oil

Lemon Balm Oil


Lemon Balm officinal’s is a perennial herb and is also called as Bee plant, Lemon balm, balm or balm mint. Its leaves have a lemon scent and  are crushed and when applied topically Flowers being white attract bees and that is why its genus name is Lemon Balm.

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Garlic Oil

Garlic Oil


Garlic oil is obtained from the clove of garlic. It is scientifically known as Allium sativum. It is native to Asia and South America. Also it is mostly used in making medicine and add flavor in food. The plant is grows up to 4 feet. Garlic is easy to grow in any soil.

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Geranium Oil

Geranium Oil


Geranium is obtained steams and leaves of geranium plant. It is also called as pelargonium graveolens is a flowering annual, biennial or permanent plant, it has flowers have five petals are white, pink, purple or blue in color. Geranium will cultivate in any soil as long it is waterlogged.



Geranium Oil is extracted by the method of steam distillation from the steams & leaves of geranium plant.



Its composition and chemical includes a-pinene, myrcene, limonene, menthone, linalool, geranyl acetate, citronellol, geraniol or geranyl butyrate.



Geranium oil blends well with citronella oil, lavender oil, grape fruit oil and rosemary oil, angelica root oil, bergamot oil, basil oil, carrot seed oil.



•  Owing to its astringent properties it induces contractions in various parts of body.

•  It tightens facial skin, thus delaying premature ageing.

•  It can be added to baked goods, alcoholic & non alcoholic beverages.

•  Topical application can cause help heal insect bites & stop itching.

•  It is used as massage oil.

•  It reduces pain & inflammation.

•  It also acts as a natural insect repellant.

•  It prevents muscles & skin from sagging.

•  It keeps wounds safe from developing infections.

•  It speeds up healing process of wounds, cuts etc.

•  It helps to diminish scars & other spots.

•  It increases blood circulation.

•  It promotes uniform distribution of melanin.

•  It promotes cell health.

•  It increases urination thus removing toxins from body. It tones up overall health.

•  It can help in getting rid of intestinal worms.

•  It can treat acne, dermatitis & other skin diseases.

•  It serves as antidepressant.

•  It has positive effect on eczema. Neuralgia burns post menopause syndrome.

•  It is used in fragrance & cosmetics.


Safety & Precautions:-

It should not be used by pregnant women and those who are breast feeding.


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•  Geranium Oil Suppliers

•  Geranium Oil Manufacturers

•  Geranium Oil Wholesaler

•  Geranium Oil Exporters

•  100% Pure Geranium Oil


Ginger Grass Oil

Ginger Grass Oil

Botanical Name :    Cymbopogon martinii(sofia)


Ginger Grass Oil is a permanent budding herbaceous plant having extensive slender stems with terminal flowering tops. The oil is obtained from the grass and it has very strong fragrant. It is light yellow to light brown liquid with a sharp scent. Its place of origin is India.

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Ginger Lily Oil

Ginger Lily Oil

Botanical Name:  Hedychium.


Ginger lily oil is also called Garland flower; India is the biggest producing country which produces ginger lily oil mainly in Himalayas. It can be developed indoor as well as in cold climate regions.

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Ginger Oil

Ginger Oil

Botanical Name:     Zingiber officinale


Ginger oil obtained from the ginger rhizome it is belongs to the Zingiberacea family. It is spice of great commercial importance. It is extracted by extraction of the unpeeled rhizome of Zingiber Officinale, the subtraction of the last few percents of solvent is a difficulty which has yet to be solved acceptably. Ginger Oil is extracted from a variety types of ginger, but the greater part of all ginger oil are resultant from Nigerian and Jamaican ginger, the former being the most low-cost material, the latter having the most strong aroma.

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Green Tea Oil

Green Tea Oil


Green tea oil is obtained from the fresh leaves of tea plant. It is native to East Asia, North Burma and Southwestern China. The plant is grows up to 16 Mt. it is used in pharmaceuticals, food and cosmetic industries.

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Holy Basil Oil

Holy Basil Oil

Botanical Name :    Osimum Sanctum


Holy basil, is an aromatic plant. It is a small shrub with many branches and strongly scented green leaves. The leaves are ovate and slightly toothed.  The flowers are purplish to white.  There are two main types grown in India, green-leaved holy basil (Sri Tulsi) and purple-leaved holy basil (Krishna Tulsi) Holy Basil has become a legendary part of Hindu culture over the last five thousand or so years, adorning houses and temples throughout the country and earning it revered names such as “The Elixir of Life” and “Mother Medicine of Nature.”Holy basil oil is pale yellow to yellow in colored fluid liquid and has sweet, pungent and typical odor of Eugenol.

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