Betel Leaf Oil

Betel Leaf Oil


Betel leaf is a Perennial plant with the heart shaped leaves, which is belongs to Piperaceae family, and the herb is also called as betel pepper or wild pepper and leaves have clove like flavor, it is mainly found in Indian States of Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu & west Bengal. Betel leaf oil & it needs pole or big tree for its support and needs well drained fertile soil.



Betel leaf oil is obtained by process of steam distillation of betel leaves.



Betel leaf oil color varies from light yellow to Brown color.



Its main contents are tannins, chavicol, phenyl, propane & cyncole etc.



It blends well with Clove oil, cinnamon oil, and cardamom oil.



•   Betel leaf has antiseptic properties it is very useful to relieves in nose bleeding, itchiness, vaginal wetness & other skin infections.

•   It acts as breath freshener.

•   It can cure intestinal worms.

•   It is helpful in treating constipation

•   It can prevent system from effects of pathogens & Microorganisms.

•   It helps in relieving from cold & Cough.

•   It eases pain.

•   It is useful in treating urine infections, headaches etc.

•   It can reduce effect of pimples.

•   Betel leaf oil can is useful to relief in lower back pain.



Pregnant ladies should avoid betel leaf oil.


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•   Essential Oils

•   Betel Leaf Oil manufacturers

•   Betel Leaf Oil Suppliers 

•   Betel Leaf Oil Wholesaler 

•   100% Pure Betel Leaf Oil

•   Betel Leaf oil Exporters 



Agarwood Oil

Agarwood Oil


Agarwood tree is native to India and is one of the expensive oil and is obtained from heartwood of agarwood tree. Agarwood oil is also called as oud oil. Agarwood when healthy is light in colour once it is infected, in response it makes a very aromatic resin and it is from these resins that oil is obtained by process of steam distillation.



It is obtained by process of steam distillation of resin.



It has deep, complex and woody aroma.



It is very complex and contains atleast 150 Chemical compounds.



It blends well with Jojoba, coconut oil and other carrier oils.



•  Owing to its mind blowing fragrance it helps focus the mind and reduces the negativity.

•  It can help in treatment of Insomnia due to presence of valerian content in it.

•  It is helps in pain and rheumatism.

•  It is great relieving pain massage oil.

•  Owing to its aphrodisiac properties it enhances sex drive.

•  It has diuretic properties thus helps in detoxifying the body.

•  It provides relieve in indigestion and Bloating.

•  It can improve tone of skin and helps in repair of the damaged skin.

•  It has anaesthetic and sedative effect as well.


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oilsCarrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•  Agarwood Oil Suppliers

•  Agarwood Oil Manufacturers

•  Agarwood Oil Wholesaler

•  Agarwood Oil Exporters

•  Pure Agarwood Oil


Ajwain Oil

Ajwain Oil



Ajwain oil is derived from the herb scientifically known as Trachyspermum ammi, or Caram copticum. Ajwain oil belongs to Apiaceae family, originated from Egypt and spread throughout South West Asia such as in India, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan. The plant of Ajwain oil grows approximately up to 2 feet, predominate winter crop. Ajwain is annual shrub with small, soft hairs and its fruits are grayish in color and oval in shape. Ajwain oil is used in the preparation of medicines.



Ajwain oil is pale yellowish in color, burning taste with characteristic thyme odor.


Chemical Composition-

Ajwain oil is chemically composed of thymol, β-pinene, γ-terpinene, carvacrol, dipentene, and p-cymene.



•    Ajwain oil is a key ingredient in the manufacturing of toothpaste and mouthwashes

•    Ajwain oil is also used in aromatherapy, in body oil

•    Ajwain oil is very useful for the treatment of cholera and diarrhea.

•    It provides aid in healing painful throat.

•    Ajwain oil used to ease stuffy nose, sinus congestion, cold, and coughs.

•    Ajwain oil is very helpful for the treatment of kidney stone as its property has ability to dissolves stone and treats urinary infections

•    It is also used in wound cleaning

•    Ajwain oil is used for treating skin infection as it has antiseptic property.

•    It has the antifungal component which helps to get rid of molds, yeasts and other fungi.

•    It is used for the treatment of a migraine and rheumatic pain.


Safety and Prevention-

•    If any person is on diet, avoid using ajowain oil.

•    Consult to doctor first before using while pregnant or breastfeeding.


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•    Essential Oils

•    Ajwain oil health benefits

•    Ajwain oil manufacturers

•    Ajwain oil Suppliers 

•    Ajwain oil Wholesaler 

•    Pure Ajwain Oil

•    Ajwain oil Exporters 


Amaranth Oil


Amaranth oil is obtained from two species one is A.cruentus and another is A.hypocoriandrus.

It is used in food, cosmetic and pharma industry. Amaranth leaves and seed both have been known for their valuable benefits. These usually grow as weed and are also cultivate for its edible leaves and seeds.



Amaranth oil is obtained by cold pressing of its seed also called as grain.



It is light to medium coloured.



Its main components are oleic acid, linoleic acid, stearic acid and palmitic acid.



•  It is gluten free oil and hence is used in food and is best for people suffering from celiac disease.

•  It reduces the appetite and hence is beneficial for those who are trying to lose weight.

•  It maintains healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

•  It moisturizes skin and is non irritant.

•  It also contains lysine which promotes hair growth and strengthens hair.

•  It is also an anti ageing agent and reduces the wrinkles and any other sign of ageing.

•  It protects body from free radicals.


A.G Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oilsCarrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•  Amaranth Oil Suppliers

•  Amaranth Oil Manufacturers

•  Amaranth Oil Wholesaler

•  Amaranth Oil Exporters

•  Pure Amaranth Oil

•  Cold Pressed Amaranth Oil




It is an aromatic compound which is occurs widely in essential oils. It is a mild volatile liquid. It is widely used as a flavoring product. Anethol contributes a large component of flavor and odor of anise. It is widely used in food, flavors and daily chemicals. It is slightly soluble in water and highly soluble in ethanol.



It is extracted from Indian Basil Oil, by the method of steam distillation.



It is a colourless to pale yellow liquid, with characteristic star-anise smell.



•  It is also used pharmaceutical products and spices.

•  It is widely used in synthetic perfume Industries.

•  It is used in mouthwash and toothpaste.

•  Anethol is used in colour photographic sensitization, raw materials and synthetic drugs.

•  It is also used in chewing gums and ointments.

•  It helps to remove unpleasant smells.


Safety & Precautions:

•  It may cause Breast Mass and hypertension.

•  Avoid if you are pregnant or breast feeding.


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oilsCarrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•  Anethole Suppliers

•  Anethole Manufacturers

•  Anethole Wholesaler

•  Anethole Exporters

•  100% Pure Anethole Oil



Angelica Root Oil

Angelica Root Oil


It is also known as wild celery amd master wort,It is soft oil and is steam distilled from the dried roots, rhizome and seeds of Angelica. It has as spicy aroma. It is used in treatment of various ailments and as well as aromatherapy.



It is a yellow liquid with warm gentle aroma.



Its main components are velaric acid, methyl ethyl acetic acid and hydroxyl misristc acid.



It blends well with basil, chamomile and clary sage oil.



•  Owing to its carminative properties, it eases in gastric problems.

•  Owing to its anticoagulant properties, It provides relief in cold, congestion and fever.

•  It is provides relief in high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases.

•  It is also used as ingredient in medicines.

•  It is also used as flavours.

•  It is also used as ingredient in Cosmetics.


A.G Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oilsCarrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•  Angelica Root Oil Suppliers

•  Angelica Root Oil Manufacturers

•  Angelica Root Oil Wholesaler

•  Angelica Root Oil Exporters

•  Pure Angelica Root Oil

•  Organic Angelica Root



Product Specification

Botanical Name:- Pimpinella Anisum

Part used: Seed and Ripe fruits

Aroma-Fruity sweet Aroma



Anise seed oil scientifically also known as Pimpinella Anisum is the herb that grows approximately 2 feet. Anise seed is comely used by Romans in the form of spicy cake. Anise seed oil is native to the Middle East but now it is cultivated in USA, North Africa, and Europe. Plant of Anise seed oil grows in the warm spring season and need fertile well-drained soil to grow best.



Anise oil is extracted by the process known as steam distillation and CO2 Extraction.



•  Anise oil is used for flatulence, indigestion, hangover & Catarrh.

•  Anise oil is very useful for the treatment of muscular pain.

•  Anise oil is used to cure scabies & psoriasis.

•  Anise oil is used in the manufacturing of toothpaste.

•  It is also used as a Flavoring agent.


Safety Measure:

•  Wash eyes immediately with plenty of water if oil comes in contact with eye.

•  If anise oil inhaled then keep affected a person in the fresh air, in case of serious condition seed medical attention.

•  Avoid in content with skin, seek doctor for medical attention.


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•  Anise Oil  Manufacturers 

•  Anise Oil Suppliers 

•  Anise Oil at affordable cost

•  Essential Oils

•  Anise Oil Exporters

•  Anise Oil wholesaler

•  100% Pure Anise Oil 

Patchouli Oil

Patchouli Oil


Patchouli is a bushy herb of mint family it reaches up to 75mts in height & it consist of pale pink white flowers. It grows well in hot weather, but not direct sunlight. Flowers produce seed which are harvested for planting. Cuttings from mother plants can also be rooted in water to produce additional plants.



Patchouli oil is obtained by steam distillation of leaves. Highest quality oil is produced from fresh leaves.



It has deep, musky fragrance.



Its chief components are Patchoulol & nor patchoulenol.



It blends well with bergamot, clary sage, geranium, lavender & myrrh.



•  It is a widely used in modern perfumery.

•  In industrial products such as paper towels, laundary detergents & air freshners.

•  It also acts as insect repellant.

•  It is an important ingredient in incense.

•  It is used in protection of clothes & fabrics from insects.

•  This is great for people suffering from depression.

•  It soothes inflammation.

•  It protects wounds & ulcers from developing infections & becoming septic or tetanus.

•  It helps to strengthen the hold of gums on teeth, prevents sagging of skin.

•  It acts as anti ageing substance.

•  It speeds up healing process of cuts & wounds & fades scar.

•  It stimulates generation of new body cells.

•  It can eliminate or mask body odor.

•  It increases frequency of urination thus helping in removal of toxins from body.

•  It also helps in losing weight.

•  It increases appetite.


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oilsCarrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•  Patchouli Oil Suppliers

•  Patchouli Oil Manufacturers

•  Patchouli Oil Wholesaler

•  Patchouli Oil Exporters

•  Pure Patchouli Oil

•  Natural Patchouli Oil

•  Patchouli Essential Oil

•  Organic Patchouli Oil



Cinnamon Leaf Oil

Cinnamon Leaf Oil


Botanical Name: CinnamomumZeylanicum


Cinnamon is a spice obtained from leaf of tree of genus cinnamomum. Cinnamon is cultivated by growing the tree for two years, and then cutting stems at ground level, next year about a dozen new shoots will form from the roots, replacing those that were cut.. Flavor of cinnamon is due to an aromatic essential oil. Cinnamon is widely used as spice; it is used as a condiment & flavoring agent. Cinnamon is popular flavoring in alcoholic beverages.



Cinnamon leaf oil is obtained by steam distillation of cinnamon leaf.



It is yellow in color with characteristic odor of cinnamon & very hot aromatic taste.



It blends well with lemon essential oil, rosemary oil, geranium & cardamom etc.



•   It is most popular herb for flavoring & medicinal uses.

•   It boosts activity of the brain.

•   It is great for treatment of pimples because it is a good blood purifier.

•   It has anti-inflammatory properties thus it helps in removing stiffness of muscles & joints.

•   It helps in removing headaches that are caused by cold.

•   It can help in controlling blood sugar.

•   It helps in destroying germs in the gall bladder & bacteria present in staph infections.

•   It acts as coagulant & helps to stop excess bleeding.

•   It can prevent coronary heart disease & high BP.

•   It reduces risk of colon cancer.

•   It is used in chewing gum as it is a good mouth freshener.

•   It helps in cold, sore throat & congestion.

•   It provides Relief from menstrual discomfort & cramping.

•   It helps in the secretion & discharge of urine.

•   It has various applications in Aromatherapy.


Safety & Precautions:-

•   It should be avoided for internal consumption.

•   It can have adverse effect on skin if used in concentrated form.

•   It should be diluted before applying topically and one should do a patch test before applying.


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oilsCarrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•   Cinnamon Leaf Oil Suppliers

•   Cinnamon Leaf Oil Manufacturers

•   Cinnamon Leaf Oil Wholesaler

•   Cinnamon Leaf Oil Exporters

•   100% Pure Cinnamon Leaf Oil


Coriander Oil

Coriander Oil


Coriander oil is obtained from the seeds of cilantro plant. It is small plant grows about 1 meter. The leaves of the plant are sparse, fine and feathery with beautiful pinkish/white flowers. The leaves, when trodden, give off a repulsive odor like squashed bugs which is use to flavor.



Coriander oil is obtained from the dried seeds of coriander plant by the method of steam distillation.



It has a sweet, spicy and warm aroma with colorless to pale yellow in color.



Coriander oil blends well with most of oils like Cinnamon oil, ginger oil, lemon oil, neroli oil, orange oil and grapefruit oil.



•  It can be useful refresh your mind, mental fatigue, tension and nervous weakness.

•  Coriander oil is used to help in absorption as well as joint pain.

•  It is a craving refreshment and aids in the emission of gastric juices.

•  Coriander oil is use to making pain oil for relieving headaches, muscle pain, stiffness and arthritis.

•  It has antiseptic properties.

•  Coriander oil is good for increasing hunger, and relieving vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence and acidity.

•  It is use in making food and salads for flavoring.


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oilsCarrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•  Coriander Oil Suppliers

•  Coriander Oil Manufacturers

•  Coriander Oil Wholesaler

•  Coriander Oil Exporters

•  100% Pure Coriander Oil