Holy Basil Oil

Holy Basil Oil

Botanical Name :    Osimum Sanctum


Holy basil, is an aromatic plant. It is a small shrub with many branches and strongly scented green leaves. The leaves are ovate and slightly toothed.  The flowers are purplish to white.  There are two main types grown in India, green-leaved holy basil (Sri Tulsi) and purple-leaved holy basil (Krishna Tulsi) Holy Basil has become a legendary part of Hindu culture over the last five thousand or so years, adorning houses and temples throughout the country and earning it revered names such as “The Elixir of Life” and “Mother Medicine of Nature.”Holy basil oil is pale yellow to yellow in colored fluid liquid and has sweet, pungent and typical odor of Eugenol.

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Geranium Oil

Geranium Oil


Geranium is obtained steams and leaves of geranium plant. It is also called as pelargonium graveolens is a flowering annual, biennial or permanent plant, it has flowers have five petals are white, pink, purple or blue in color. Geranium will cultivate in any soil as long it is waterlogged.



Geranium Oil is extracted by the method of steam distillation from the steams & leaves of geranium plant.



Its composition and chemical includes a-pinene, myrcene, limonene, menthone, linalool, geranyl acetate, citronellol, geraniol or geranyl butyrate.



Geranium oil blends well with citronella oil, lavender oil, grape fruit oil and rosemary oil, angelica root oil, bergamot oil, basil oil, carrot seed oil.



•  Owing to its astringent properties it induces contractions in various parts of body.

•  It tightens facial skin, thus delaying premature ageing.

•  It can be added to baked goods, alcoholic & non alcoholic beverages.

•  Topical application can cause help heal insect bites & stop itching.

•  It is used as massage oil.

•  It reduces pain & inflammation.

•  It also acts as a natural insect repellant.

•  It prevents muscles & skin from sagging.

•  It keeps wounds safe from developing infections.

•  It speeds up healing process of wounds, cuts etc.

•  It helps to diminish scars & other spots.

•  It increases blood circulation.

•  It promotes uniform distribution of melanin.

•  It promotes cell health.

•  It increases urination thus removing toxins from body. It tones up overall health.

•  It can help in getting rid of intestinal worms.

•  It can treat acne, dermatitis & other skin diseases.

•  It serves as antidepressant.

•  It has positive effect on eczema. Neuralgia burns post menopause syndrome.

•  It is used in fragrance & cosmetics.


Safety & Precautions:-

It should not be used by pregnant women and those who are breast feeding.


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•  Geranium Oil Suppliers

•  Geranium Oil Manufacturers

•  Geranium Oil Wholesaler

•  Geranium Oil Exporters

•  100% Pure Geranium Oil


Garlic Oil

Garlic Oil


Garlic oil is obtained from the clove of garlic. It is scientifically known as Allium sativum. It is native to Asia and South America. Also it is mostly used in making medicine and add flavor in food. The plant is grows up to 4 feet. Garlic is easy to grow in any soil.

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Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus is an evergreen plant, basically a native of Australia but been cultivated worldwide such as India, Europe & South Africa. Eucalyptus oil is extracted from fresh or partially dried leaves and young twigs of Eucalyptus globulus through steam distillation. The oil is colorless with aromatic and camphoraceous. Eucalyptus essential oil has unique antiseptic & wonderful medicinal value, that works as a miracle for respiratory disease.

In India oil is been exacted from Eucalyptus globules. We  at A.G. industries offer 100% Natural Eucalyptus Oil.

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Fennel Oil

Fennel Oil


Fennel essential oil extracted from the seeds of fennel. Pure Fennel oil is used as a flavoring agent for some natural toothpaste. Fennel seeds essential oil are used in sweet desserts and mostly in cookery etc.


Product Specification:-

Botanical Name: Foeniculum vulgare



Fennel oil is extracted by the process known as Steam distillation from the crushed seeds.



Chemically fennel essential oil made the ingredient such as fenchone, myrcene, alpha-pinene, i-8 cineole etc.



Fennel essential oil is nicely blended with an essential oil such as lavender, Geranium oil and rose or sandalwood etc.



•  Fennel oil is very helpful for the people suffering from obesity as it gives the full feeling.

•  Fennel oil act as a makeup cleanser

•  Fennel oil is helpful for fighting against wrinkles

•  It acts as a toner for spleen & liver.

•  Fennel oil is very helpful for increasing milk in nursing mothers.

•  In Aromatherapy, it is used as blended massage oil


Storage & Handling of Seeds fennel oil :-

•  Keep away from sun heat.

•  Keep container tightly closed. Do not breathe dust.

•  Keep container in an amazing cool zone.


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•  Fennel Oil Suppliers
•  Fennel Oil Manufacturers
•  Fennel Oil Exporters
• 100% Pure Fennel Oil
•  Fennel Oil Wholesaler


Eucalyptus Citriodora Oil


Eucalyptus Citriodora Oil is scientifically known as  Corymbia citriodora. Eucalyptus Citriodorais a big tree, growing to 35 metres in height and tropical north eastern Australia. Eucalyptus citriodora essential oil has powerful antiseptic and insect repelling properties.



Eucalyptus Citriodora Oil is obtained by the  process of steam distillation of leaves.



•  A valuable asset when treating athletes foot

•  Eucalyptus Citriodora Oil can be used in making soaps.

•  This oil is ideal as a natural deodorant

•  Eucalyptus serves as a natural insect repellant

•  It is used as an ingredient in some mouthwash and dental preparations,


Eucalyptus Citriodora Essential Oil Safety Tips

•  Avoid if you have high blood pressure or epilepsy.

•  Do not use with infants or children under ten years of age

•  For external use only this is considered toxic if taken internally


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oilsCarrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•  Eucalyptus Citriodora Oil Suppliers

•  Eucalyptus Citriodora Oil Manufacturers

•  Eucalyptus Citriodora Oil Wholesaler

•  Eucalyptus Citriodora Oil Exporters

•  Pure Eucalyptus Citriodora Oil

Deodar Oil

Deodar Oil


Deodar oil is obtained from the wood and roots of deodar plant. It is also called cedar wood oil. It is grows up to 60 Mt. It is native to India, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Darjeeling and Nepal. Deodar oil is often used for aromatics properties and especially in aromatherapy. Continue reading

Curry Leaf Oil

Curry Leaf Oil


The curry tree ( Murrya Koenigii) is native to India & Sri Lanka. It is a small tree & grows up to 20 Ft tall, leaves are pinnate; flowers are white which self pollinate. Leaves are highly valued for seasoning in southern & Indian cooking. The leaves of murraya are used as an herb in ayurvedic medicines.



Curry leaf oil is extracted from the leaves of Curry leaf plant by steam distillation.



Curry leaf oil is pale yellow in colour and gives a natural and good smell.



Owing Its monoterpene hydrocarbon (pinene, camphene, limonene, myrcene) or monoterpene-derived alcohols (linalool, terpinene-4-ol, nerol, geraniol also their acetates)



•  Curry leaf oil has a great value in medical sciences.

•  Curry leaf oil is the chief herbs used to heal several diseases which take in some serious disorders like poverty, nausea, astringent, lower blood pressure, dysentery, fever, vision, night blindness, etc.

•  If taken with coconut milk and salt, it can help in serious illness like hepatitis.

•  It is used against diabetes, hair loss, and as a remedy of helping the skin maintain its natural pigmentation.

•  It is used in maintaining health, heart, long hairs, and control deficiency of iron in our body.

•  It is used as Anti-inflammatory, Hepetoprotecctive, Antidiabitic, Antimicrobial, Antiovident, Antihypercholestrolemic.


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential Oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•  Curry Leaf Oil Suppliers

•  Curry Leaf Oil Manufacturers

•  Curry Leaf Oil Wholesaler

•  Curry Leaf Oil Exporters

•  100% Pure Curry Leaf Oil


Cumin Oil

Cumin Oil

Botanical Name :- Cuminum Cyminum



Cumin oil is obtained from the dried seeds of cumin. It is originally from the Mediterranean area plant of cumin is a small annual herb about 50cm ( 20 inches) high, with deep green, narrow feathery leaves with tiny white flowers, followed by small oblong seeds. Cumin oil mostly used for its digestive properties. The Egyptians used cumin oil for headaches .Cumin is a very important in Indian curries and in Mexican national dishes.



Cumin oil is obtained by the method of solvent extraction from the dried seeds cumin.



•  It is very powerful, green spicy, but not sharps more of a soft and mellow scent.

•  It is Yellow to light brown liquid and Powerful, green spicy, but not sharp odor



Main components are Volatile oil, cuminic, cymene, dipentene, limonene



It easily blends with other oils.



•  Owing to its  antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitoxic, aphrodisiac, anti-oxidant, depurative, digestive,  and diuretic,  properties it is very beneficial and is also used as  tonic.

•   It is also useful for warming oil that helps relieve muscular pains and osteoarthritis.

•   Cumin oil is also very good for digestive system.

•   Cumin oil is a stimulant that helps with colic, dyspepsia, flatulence, bloating and indigestion.

•   Cumin oil is a tonic with helpful effect on headaches, migraine pain and nervous exhaustion.

•   It is good for exhaustion and works well in blends for that purpose.

•   Cumin oil is a stimulant that helps with colic, dyspepsia, flatulence, bloating and indigestion.


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•    Cumin Oil Suppliers

•    Cumin Oil Manufacturers

•    Cumin Oil Wholesaler

•    Cumin Oil Exporters

•    100% Pure Cumin Oil



Clove Oil

Clove Oil


Botanical Name: Syzygium aromaticum.



Clove is originated from Indonesia & Malacca islands. It is obtained by the leaves and bud of clove it ia red brown in color. It is picked by hand the buds are dried until they brown and, then grinding them. The powder is used in cooking and other Ayurvedic medicine or converted into an essential oil for various medicinal purposes. Clove oil is colorless to pale yellow in color with strong spicy smell.



Clove oil is extracted by the method of steam and water distillation from the leaves, stem and bud of clove.



The chemical composition of clove oil is iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorous, vitamin A & C, hydrolic acid.



Clove oil blends with benzoin, lavender, ginger, sandalwood, basil and clary sage.



•  Clove oil is used in dental problems toothache and mouth sore.

•  Using clove oil is good for digestion as it is very effective against vomiting & diarrhea.

•  Clove oil is used to treat against flatulence, bronchitis, asthma & tuberculosis.

•  It could be used to reduce mental exhaustion, fatigue & tension, anxiety.

•  Clove oil is good to used as massage oil in cream and lotion.

•  Clove oil is use is insect and mosquito repellent.

•  Due to its soothing effect and powerful aroma clove oil is used in making soap.


Safety Precaution:-

Clove oil is likely unsafe for children and pregnant lady.


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•  Clove Oil Suppliers

•  Clove Oil Manufacturers

•  Clove Oil Wholesaler

•  Clove Oil Exporters

•  100% Pure Clove Oil