Davana Oil

Davana Oil


Botanical Name: Artemisia pallens

Plant Part: Stems and Leaves

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled

Origin: India



Its botanical name is Artemisia Pallens. It is annual aromatic herb and is known for its delicate Fragrance. Its flowers are yellow in color but they appear white in color due to its outer covering. The crop can be grown in various ranges of soil, like it can grow well in sandy loam as well as in Black soil, only thing is that soil should have good drainage & rich organic matter is required. This plant grows best when sown in winter season. These are xerophytic in nature and are used in India for religious purposes too.



Davana oil is obtained by steam Distillation of flowers of Davana Plant.



It has rich, sweet, fruity, slightly woody, camphorous note, consistency is thick and color is bunt orange.



Its main components are ketone called davanone, linalool, And davana ether.



It blends well with woody essential oils like neroli, geranium, grapefruit, cedarwood, caraway etc.



•  It is used in Aromatherapy, Perfumery, and Cosmetics

•  It is used as a flavoring agent in pastries & Beverages.

•  Owing to its Therapeutic properties it has many Health benefits

•  It provides protection against viral attacks.

•  It fights depression through relaxation.

•  It reduces Blood pressure.

•  It fights infections, protects against Tetanus.

•  It should be applied in mild concentrations in cases of cuts & wounds.

•  It fights infections from bacteria, microbes, fungi & viruses.

•  It opens up blocked menstruation & makes period regular.

•  It loosens up tough coughs & relieves congestions, Headaches & pain in joints.

•  Relax contractions in muscles & blood vessels.

•  It helps to heal wounds faster & protects from infections.

•  It act as insect repellent.


Safety & Precautions

It is non toxic but can cause irritati


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oilsCarrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•  Davana Oil Suppliers

•  Davana Oil Manufacturers

•  Davana Oil Wholesaler

•  Davana Oil Exporters

•  100% Pure Davana Oil


Citronella Oil

Citronella Oil

Citronella Oil

Citronella Essential Oil has a fresh,woody-sweet, lemon ascent, colorless to pale-yellow in color. Unscrupulous producers often adulterate their essential oils. Auroma has an on-site full laboratory where all essential oils undergo rigorous testing and analysis. This is done using the latest  Quality Assurance with Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) equipment to accurately analyze each batch of essential oils we receive from our farmers and distillers. This is done even with the growers Auroma has dealt with for over 20 years. Every batch, every time!



•  Citronella is credited with having therapeutic properties

•  Citronella is used in the manufacture of product natural insect repellent with pleasant smell.

•  Citronella oil is used in soaps.


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oilsCarrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•  Citronella Oil Manufacturers

•  Citronella Oil Suppliers

•  Citronella Oil Wholesaler

•  Citronella Oil Exporters

•  100% Pure Citronella Oil


Clary Sage Oil

Clary Sage Oil

Botanical Name: Salvia sclarea


Clary Sage is a perennial herb.  Its flowers are bluish-purple and has hairy leaves. Its leaves have been used as a vegetable in cookery, It is also used in preparing mucilage which is a special adhesive composed of a solution of a sticky vegetable product used primarily to seal paper.



Clary sage oil is extracted by process of steam distillation of flowers and leaves.



A clear to pale yellow essential oil, Clary sage has a sweet, nutty fragrance.



It has good blending property and its blends with Roman chamomile oil, Frankincense and bergamot oil.



•   It gives relief in problems like Asthma, depression, digestive problem, exhaustion, muscle cramps, spasm and respiratory problem.

•   It is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic and sedative.

•   The oil is also used for depression,nervousness,sorethroat,minor aches and pain.

•   It is used in massage oil or diluted in the bath.

•   It is used in a cream or lotion.

•   It is used as dietary supplement.


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oilsCarrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•   Clary Sage Oil Suppliers

•   Clary Sage Oil Manufacturers

•   Clary Sage Oil Wholesaler

•   Clary Sage Oil Exporters

•   100% Pure Clary Sage Oil


Chilli Oil

Chilli Oil


It is a very prominently used in Asian cuisine and is mostly used in Chinese and south and east Asian cuisine. It is used in cooked dishes as well as condiment.


Chilli oil is obtained by infused method, where the chilli is infused with base oil like seasame oil, sunflower oil and even olive oil. Continue reading

Chamomile Roman Oil

Chamomile Roman Oil


Chamomile Oil

Chamomile oil is extracted from the flowers by the process known as steam distillation, with the Roman chamomile yielding about 1.7 %. Roman chamomile is a native of Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Morocco and France



•   The Roman chamomile essential oil has a sweet, apple-like aroma

•   The main chemical composition of Roman chamomile oils is a-pinene, camphene, b-pinene, sabinene, myrcene, etc.



•   Chamomile essential oil is used to great effect on children when they feel irritable, impatient, teething or colicky.

•   Chamomile is used for the treatment of acne, rashes dry and itchy skin

•   Roman chamomile can be used in a blended massage oil

•   Roman chamomile can be used on a cream base for diaper rash, burns, and sunburn,

•   It is used for the treatment of back pain.

•   Roman chamomile can be used to cure oral infection


A.G.Essential Oils situated at Delhi NCR(Noida) is manufacturer, supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier oils & Aromatherapy oil on below terms:-

•   Chamomile Roman Oil Suppliers

•   Chamomile Roman Oil Manufacturers

•   Chamomile Roman Oil Exporters

•   100% Pure Chamomile Roman Oil 





Cinnamon Bark oil

Cinnamon Bark oil


Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the inner bark tree known as Cinnamomum. Cinnamon is cultivated by growing the tree for two years, and then cutting stems at ground level, next year about a dozen new shoots will form from the roots, replacing those that were cut. The important thing about the plant is the processed of extracting oil must be immediately started after harvesting. Flavor of cinnamon oil comes because of an aromatic essential oil. Cinnamon is popular flavoring agent in alcoholic beverages.



Pure Cinnamon oil is prepared by pounding the bark & quickly distilling the whole.



Cinnamon oil can nicely blend with an essential oil such as rosemary oil, lemon oil geranium & cardamom etc.



•  Cinnamon Bark Oil is most popular herb used for flavoring.

•  Cinnamon Bark Oil has the ability to cure a pimple as it helps to purify the blood.

•  It helps in removing headaches that are caused by cold.

•  Daily intake of Cinnamon Bark Oil helps to control blood sugar level.

•  Cinnamon Bark Oil helps for the treatment of internal as well as external infection.

•  Daily intake of cinnamon oil helps to reduce risk of colon cancer.

•  It is used in chewing gum as it is a good mouth freshener.

•  It has very effective while application of Aromatherapy therapy.

•  It is a great mosquito repellant.


Safety & Precautions

•  Best use of Cinnamon oil is for physical use only

•  It should be diluted before applying topically and one should do a patch test before applying.


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•   Cinnamon Bark Oil Suppliers
•   100% Pure Cinnamon Bark Oil
•   Cinnamon Bark Oil Exporters
•   Cinnamon Bark Oil Manufacturers
•   Cinnamon Bark Oil Wholesaler


Chamomile Blue Oil

Chamomile Blue Oil


Chamomile belongs to family asteraceae and its botanical name is anthemis noblis and is reputed as medicinal plant. It is a low growing plant, root is perennial stems are freely branching leaves are divided into thread like segments which gives whole plant a feathery appearance. The fruit is small & dry. The whole plant is grayish green in color.



It is obtained by steam distillation of chamomile flowers,  There are two types of chamomlie one is roman chamomile (Anthem nobilis) & another is german chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla). PROPERTIES

Chamomile Oil is grey or very pale blue & its aroma is bright, sweet fruity & herbaceous.



Its main components are chamazulene, a-bisabolol, bisabolol oxide A, bisabolol oxide B and bisabolone oxide A.



It blends well with Bergamot, clary sage, lavender, jasmine, grapefruit, lemon, lime & ylang ylang oil.



•  German chamomile oil is very powerful anti inflammatory agent due to presence of Azulene.

•  It helps in inducing perspiration thus removing toxins.

•  Chamomile oil relieves in fever by cooling down the body.

•  If applied to hair it kills lice & mites.

•  Owing to its antiseptic & antibiotic properties it eliminates infections.

•  It also kills intestinal worms.

•  It helps in overcoming of depression, sluggishness & disappointment.

•  It helps in reducing blood pressure.

•  They promote digestion by increasing secretion of HCL.

•  They help in maintaining good health of liver.

•  It helps in reducing swelling & edema.

•  Chamomile oil helps to cure ailments like rheumatism& arthritis.

•  It helps in diminishing the scars.

•  It protects wounds or cuts from becoming infected.

•  It reduces pain in muscles, joints, Headaches & tooth aches etc.

•  They are good at expelling gas from intestines & stomach.

•  They keep nerves & nervous system in a state of good health.

•  They tone up skin & muscles.

•  They help cure acne.

•  They clean up urinary system by stimulating increased urination.

•  They help in curing viral infections.

•  It is added to massage oil for relief of muscle discomfort after exercise.


Safety & Precautions

Kindly avoid if sensitive to Chamomile.


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oilsCarrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•  Chamomile Blue Oil Suppliers

•  Chamomile Blue Oil Manufacturers

•  Chamomile Blue Oil Wholesaler

•  Chamomile Blue Oil Exporters

•  100% Pure Chamomile Blue Oil


Cardamom Oil

Cardamom Oil

Product Specification

Botanical Name: Elettaria Cardamomum

Part used: Seeds Fruits



Cardamom is a spice that belongs to the family of Zingiberaceae and scientifically known as an  Elettaria cardamomum plant. This spice is natively attached to India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Bhutan. Cardamom is small seed pods in green color. It’s triangular, spindle-shaped seed with thin and papery outer shell.



Cardamom oil is extracted through the process known as steam distillation. 



Cardamom oil can nicely blend with Rose, Orange, Bergamot, Cinnamon, Cloves, Caraway and Cedar Wood Oil.



•   Cardamom oil is used for the treatment of digestive problems such as nausea, loss of appetite and constipation.

•   Cardamom oil helps in reducing toxic material from the body.

•   Cardamom oil is useful in the treatment of oral infection

•   It is used for the treatment of cold,  cough and flu.

•   Cardamom oil is very helpful for the treatment of cancer.

•   Cardamom oil has antioxidant activity and anti-inflammatory properties.


Safety and precautions:-

•   Do not use Cardamom oil while  pregnancy and breastfeeding women


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•   Cardamom Oil Suppliers
•   Cardamom Oil Manufacturers
•   Cardamom Oil Exporters
•   Cardamom Oil Organic
•   100% Pure Cardamom Oil


Caraway Oil

Caraway Oil

Product Specification

Botanical Name – Carum Carvi

Color – Colorless to yellow

Part Used –  Ripe seeds



Caraway is a biennial plant belongs to Apiaceae family, the native place of Caraway plant in Asia, Europe, and northern America. Caraway is  scientifically known as Carum carvi sometime it is also labeled with Apium carvi. Caraway is a popular spice in Europe and Indian subcontinent.



Caraway oil is extracted by the process known as a steam distillation from dried seed of Caraway oil.


Blending :

Caraway oil can blend well with essential oils such as orange oil, ginger oil, Lavender oil, Frankincense, Coriander Chamomile oil & Basil oil.



•    Caraway oil is used for the treatment of asthma, cold & cough.

•    Caraway oil helps a lot for breastfeeding mother as it increase milk quantity .

•    Caraway oil helps to get the clear and glowing skin.

•    It is very helpful for the skin to fight infection.

•    It is used as anti-aging agent hence used in many creams and facewash.

•    Caraway oil is used in food as a flavoring agent.

•    Caraway oil is a good mouth freshener.

•    In Britain, caraway oil is also used in many cuisines like cake.


Safety Measure:

•   Wash eyes immediately with plenty of water if oil comes in contact with eye.

•   If anise oil inhaled then keep affected a person in the fresh air, in case of serious condition seed medical attention.

•   Avoid in content with skin, seek doctor for medical attention.


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•    Caraway Oil Suppliers

•    Caraway Oil Manufacturers

•    Caraway Oil Exporters

•    Customer scarification

•    100% Pure Caraway Oil

•    Caraway Oil Suppliers in Delhi NCR India


Cedarwood Oil

Cedarwood Oil


Cedarwood oil is obtained by process of steam distillation.



It has a pale yellow to reddish yellow in color. It is thick and viscous oil has a characteristic soft, woody smell.



The main components are Thujopsene, Sesquiterpenes, Cedrol and Widdrol, Beta-Cedrene and Alpha-Cedrene etc



•  It is calming oil and it provides relief to nerves.

•  It provides relief in skin problem and hair problem.

•  It is helpful relieving respiratory conditions.

•  It helps in relieving in urinary tract infection.

•  It is known to be useful in Bronchitis, Arthritis, Asthma, and Rheumatism.

•  It is also used as insect repellent.

•  It is also good in joint pains, asthma, respiratory problems, oily skin, catarrh, dandruff and cystitis.

•  It is used as ingredient in creams and it removes acne.

•  It is used as anti pyretic, antiseptic, antifungal, Pulmonary and urinary disorders, helpful in hypertension, fever, Obesity, arthritis and gout.


A.G.Essential Oils  situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oilsCarrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:-

•  Cedarwood Oil Suppliers

•  Cedarwood Oil Manufacturers

•  Cedarwood Oil Wholesaler

•  Cedarwood Oil Exporters

•  100% Pure Cedarwood Oil